Charter Members Jerry Reel '57 and Matt Whitehead '06 at 150th Anniversary Convention in Richmond, VA (2018)
Pee Dee Pikes is committed to supporting Pi Kappa Alpha’s growth in our region. The Provisional Chapter at Francis Marion University was formally established in March, 2020. All seven members of the Alumni Advisory Board for the Colony are charter members of Pee Dee Pikes!
In 2021, Pee Dee Pikes sponsored a Pike History “show and tell” with Mu Chapter, Presbyterian College (Clinton, SC). We continue to be focused on expanding the Pike network and building new relationships with chapters in our region! Many thanks to the men of Mu Chapter for a wonderful afternoon together.
A large contingency of the 1222nd Sapper Company of the South Carolina National Guard (Fort Mill, SC) is currently serving on a federal mobilization. The donation from Pee Dee Pikes was the first fundraising contribution given to support the soldiers and their families. Thanks for your service!
We have continued to be actively engaged in FY21-22! Pee Dee Pikes contributed to the Pi Kappa Alpha Education Foundation “Brick Campaign”. You can too! Here’s the link
Just open the newly published Pi Kappa Alpha Register 2021 and take a look at the Preface Page just inside the front cover - there we are and representing 4 chapters across five decades!
Pee Dee Pikes was instrumental in supporting the Provisional Chapter at Francis Marion University achieve their goal of re-chartering the Theta Delta Chapter on January 15, 2022
Thanks to your membership dues and individual donations, Pee Dee Pikes was able provided significant financial support for the Theta Delta Installation Banquet on March 26, 2022. The original banquet date had been delayed due to Covid.
Our Most Recent Social Event at the Player's Club in Columbia SC to Help Establish a New Alumni Advisory Board for Xi Chapter
Our Most Recent Social Event at the Player's Club in Columbia SC to Help Establish a New Alumni Advisory Board for Xi Chapter 〰️
Theta Delta Chapter returns to FMU with the official charter presentation at the Louisville Convention in July 2022!
Six members receive the Nester Award from Russ Keene, Pike’s Chief Alumni and Communications Officer, at the Louisville Convention in July 2022!
Pee Dee Pikes was proud to sponsor both Theta Sigma (Winthrop) and Theta Delta (FMU) undergraduates to attend the Louisville Convention in July 2022!
Bryan Gates, Pee Dee Pikes Executive Board member and Xi Chapter Advisor, presents a donation from Pee Dee Pikes to Xi Chapter President to support attending the Louisville Convention.
Wattie Snowden (left), original charter member of ΘΔ Chapter in 1974 and charter member of Pee Dee Pikes AA in 2018, received a special recognition award for his dedicated military service to South Carolina and the United States.
About Us
Pee Dee Pikes was established on March 1, 2018 - that date was selected “on purpose” to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Pi Kappa Alpha. We received our official charter later that year at the Richmond Convention.
We are about connecting the alumni brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha of any age or chapter regardless of where they live. Pee Dee Pikes is intended to expand your involvement with the fraternity. It does not replace or limit your engagement with your "home" chapter or other alumni associations.
The first edition of The Oak: A History of Pi Kappa Alpha was published in July, 1980 and written by former National Historian Jerome V. Reel, Jr. Dr. Reel's excellent history builds on the prior histories written by Dr. Freeman H. Hart and Dr. Paul G. Blount. In the Introduction of the book, Dr. Reel quoted William Alexander's description:
"The spreading oak upon which we look today with wonder and pride ... was a genuine acorn that was planted at the University of Virginia ... A society that has ... strengthened the bond that united him to the college at which he has been educated, and at the same time cements and develops friendships not only with those of his own chapter, but with the great body constituting the entire membership of a nationwide fraternity."
The cover of The Oak features William Alexander's drawing of a mighty oak with its roots grown from that acorn planted on March 1, 1868. It was also William Alexander, one of the six Founders, who drew the first badge of our fraternity.
The Pee Dee Pikes logo includes a stylized oak tree as a way to link our future with our present as well as our past. With this logo, we honor Dr. Reel's work and his generous gift of service to Pi Kappa Alpha.
We regularly seek out opportunities to network with other Pike chapters and alumni organizations. In 2020, we actively supported the establishment of the Provisional Chapter at Francis Marion University in Florence, SC. In 2021, we partnered with the SC Upstate Pikes to help launch the initial gathering for what we hope will become the SC Low Country Pikes, and our newest alumni association in South Carolina.
Pee Dee Pikes is also focused on giving back to our local communities. In 2020 we sponsored a meals delivery to celebrate health care workers in Georgia. In 2021, we donated to the SC National Guard 1222nd Sapper Company based in Fort Mill, SC.
In July 2022, and after a four year interruption, Pi Kappa Alpha returned to celebrate an in-person convention in Louisville, KY. Two special moments were the charter presentation for the Theta Delta chapter (Francis Marion University) and the Nester Award presentation to recognize Pee Dee Pikes with its fourth consecutive award! Pee Dee Pikes made a significant financial contribution to support the undergraduate chapter members from three South Carolina chapters (Xi, Theta Delta and Theta Sigma) to attend the convention.